
HSTS for new TLDs (06 Jul 2014)

Whatever you might think of them, the new TLDs are rapidly arriving. New TLDs approved so far this month include alsace, sarl, iinet, poker, gifts, restaurant, fashion, tui and allfinanz. The full list for last month is over twice as long.

That means that there's lots of people currently trying to figure out how to differentiate themselves from other TLDs. Here's an idea: why not ask me to set HSTS for the entire TLD? That way, every single site runs over HTTPS, always. It strikes me that could be useful if you're trying to build trust with users unfamiliar with the zoo of new domains.

(I can't speak for Firefox and Safari but I think it's safe to assume that Firefox would be on board with this. It's still unclear whether IE's support for HSTS will include preloading.)

I'm guessing that, with such a large number of new TLDs, I should be able to reach at least some operators of them via this blog post.